The Sandbar

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Camping Kayaking
The Sandbar

Welcome to The Sandbar: Bowman, Georgia and the Broad River's finest recreation hot spot! The Sandbar is your ticket to the beautiful and exciting Broad River and all of the outdoor adventures that it holds. We offer affordable and fun kayaking trips all summer long and, beginning fall 2014, exhilarating zip-line expeditions year-round!!! The Sandbar is a family owned and operated business with the goal to share the fun and experience of Broad River with the public. We love our...  Read More



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Camping, Kayaking, Water Sports, Zipline, Paddling, Gear Rentals


3435 King Hall Mill Rd, Bowman, GA USA

About The Sandbar

Welcome to The Sandbar: Bowman, Georgia and the Broad River's finest recreation hot spot! The Sandbar is your ticket to the beautiful and exciting Broad River and all of the outdoor adventures that it holds. We offer affordable and fun kayaking trips all summer long and, beginning fall 2014, exhilarating zip-line expeditions year-round!!! The Sandbar is a family owned and operated business with the goal to share the fun and experience of Broad River with the public. We love our customers just as much as we love this river (which includes keeping it safe and clean with our recycling and clean up initiatives! No glass on the river please!) Dogs are welcome! We provide hot showers and ice for customers (limited supply!) and $1 coolers for rent on your kayak adventure. Kayaking is $20 on weekdays and $25 weekends and holidays. We also provide free parking and group discounts! Our last put in is at 3:00 daily. Cabin Rentals are also available for only $80 a night; please call for reservations! Tent camping is for kayakers only and is only $10 per tent/night. Camp in the middle of the river on the sandbar or along one of the trails! (No camping Sunday nights).


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