Shark Chaser Charters

I am a private shark fishing charter service in Naples,Florida. I have been a charter captain for over seven years. I am great with kids. I can take professionals to novices. I catch sharks from 2 foot long to 10 feet long and other large fish. I have a 21 foot Hewes Redfisher Flats boat, therefore you are very close to the action. I can do a four hour or seven hour trip. I can accommodate up to four people. I catch from 6 inch trout to 10 foot sharks, also Goliath grouper, Sawfish... Read More
- Naples, Florida
- 239-434-6781
- Visit Website
About Shark Chaser Charters
I am a private shark fishing charter service in Naples,Florida. I have been a charter captain for over seven years. I am great with kids. I can take professionals to novices. I catch sharks from 2 foot long to 10 feet long and other large fish. I have a 21 foot Hewes Redfisher Flats boat, therefore you are very close to the action. I can do a four hour or seven hour trip. I can accommodate up to four people. I catch from 6 inch trout to 10 foot sharks, also Goliath grouper, Sawfish ,Tarpon, Snook, Redfish and other large fish. Read more Hours Today: Closed See all hoursReviews
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