Walchle Ranch Hunting, LLC

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Walchle Ranch Hunting, LLC

We are a family-run licensed outfitter nestled at the foot of Colorado's San Juan Mountains. Now in our third generation of service, we look forward to guiding you on over 4500 acres of private land as you search out the Rocky Mountain Elk, Mule Deer, or Black Bear that will complete the story of your time with us. Founded in 1979, we began with a single cabin at over 9000ft in elevation. Hunting was a small part of a working ranch where cows, that moo, were our focus. We even took...  Read More

  • 21263 Highway 550, Montrose, CO USA 81403
  • 970-209-7500



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Hunting, Big Game Hunting, Elk Hunting, Deer Hunting, Black Bear Hunting


21263 Highway 550, Montrose, CO USA 81403

About Walchle Ranch Hunting, LLC

We are a family-run licensed outfitter nestled at the foot of Colorado's San Juan Mountains. Now in our third generation of service, we look forward to guiding you on over 4500 acres of private land as you search out the Rocky Mountain Elk, Mule Deer, or Black Bear that will complete the story of your time with us. Founded in 1979, we began with a single cabin at over 9000ft in elevation. Hunting was a small part of a working ranch where cows, that moo, were our focus. We even took "City Slickers" before Hollywood made it popular. Over the years we've moved our base camp to a more centralized location on the ranch and improved the facilities drastically. Looking forward to the future is truly exciting for us here at Walchle Ranch Hunting! We began a series of habitat improvements last year that have yielded fantastic results. Opening up some meadows and seeding 120 acres with tasty plants that the deer and elk love was just the beginning. We will be continuing our efforts again this spring, with over 250 acres in the works. We are privileged to live in the only state that offers bull elk licenses over the counter and our clients have had good success in the draw for limited tags. Our hunters quickly come to be counted as friends and we look forward to seeing them year after year. We like to be considered a vacation destination by our clients and as hunting camp is an extension of our home, extending hospitality to you is our greatest joy. Come, visit us, laugh with us, eat well with us, and hunt with us.


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