Best Case Farm

Whether you are looking for a Wedding Venue, a Relaxing Get-away or 5-Star Hunting -- Best Case Farm is the ideal place. We provide nicely appointed bunkhouses with private bath, kitchenette and sitting porch overlooking the lake. Meals feature fresh produce, fish and game from the Farm, prepared with local artistry. And the bourbon is from Kentucky, of course, because it's the best in the world.
- Falmouth, KY USA
- 859-654-1540
About Best Case Farm
Whether you are looking for a Wedding Venue, a Relaxing Get-away or 5-Star Hunting -- Best Case Farm is the ideal place. We provide nicely appointed bunkhouses with private bath, kitchenette and sitting porch overlooking the lake. Meals feature fresh produce, fish and game from the Farm, prepared with local artistry. And the bourbon is from Kentucky, of course, because it's the best in the world.Reviews
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