Shag's TBN Outfitter's

Ive been a Full Time Guide now for over 20 years. I Guide in Southern Ohio, Kentucky, Florida and Alaska. First Part of Spring I Guide Turkey Hunts in Southern Ohio then after that I head down to Florida where I chase Big Tarpon. After the May run i head to Alaska to Fish for Salmon amd Trout. Then I head back down to Southern Ohio to Guide Whitetails. Book a Guided Trip with Shag's TBN Outfitters. I Will Put You Where You Want to Be!
- Greenfield, OH USA
- 616-458-0922
About Shag's TBN Outfitter's
Ive been a Full Time Guide now for over 20 years. I Guide in Southern Ohio, Kentucky, Florida and Alaska. First Part of Spring I Guide Turkey Hunts in Southern Ohio then after that I head down to Florida where I chase Big Tarpon. After the May run i head to Alaska to Fish for Salmon amd Trout. Then I head back down to Southern Ohio to Guide Whitetails. Book a Guided Trip with Shag's TBN Outfitters. I Will Put You Where You Want to Be!Reviews
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