North Central Kansas Guide Service (NCK)

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North Central Kansas Guide Service (NCK)

We have 25 years of avid hunting experience to help make this a hunt that you will look forward to every year. We are located in North Central Kansas and have prime land that consists of creek bottoms and rolling farm land. There is no need to plant artificial food plots on our properties because our deer herds have some of the best eating in the country, such as corn, soybeans, wheat, and alfalfa. Our timbers contain other natural foods that deer love. We have over 4,000 acres of...  Read More



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Hunting, Big Game Hunting, Upland Game Hunting


1624 Meadow Ln., Clay Center, KS USA 67432

About North Central Kansas Guide Service (NCK)

We have 25 years of avid hunting experience to help make this a hunt that you will look forward to every year. We are located in North Central Kansas and have prime land that consists of creek bottoms and rolling farm land. There is no need to plant artificial food plots on our properties because our deer herds have some of the best eating in the country, such as corn, soybeans, wheat, and alfalfa. Our timbers contain other natural foods that deer love. We have over 4,000 acres of private land with wheat, alfalfa, broam, corn, sorgum, milo, and soybeans. Briars and plum bushes with 6 foot tall native grass in CRP. This area also has several natural creeks, springs, and ponds. The entire county has less than 6,000 people and is over 422,000 acres. Call us today so we can set you up with a great hunt!


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