Plum lake Outfitters
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![Plum lake Outfitters](/photos/experience/16284/20191004072123661_original_imported.jpg?w=1033&autorotate=true&quality=60)
Specializing in Manitoba Trophy Black Bear Hunts. Plum Lake Outfitters offers wilderness black bear hunts in the ruggedly remote Mantagao Wilderness Area. Our licensed, experienced guides do the work; you do the hunting. The guides provide transportation to and from stands, using ATV's. "Come as strangers, leave as friends!"
- Moosehorn, MB CA
- 204-768-0051
About Plum lake Outfitters
Specializing in Manitoba Trophy Black Bear Hunts. Plum Lake Outfitters offers wilderness black bear hunts in the ruggedly remote Mantagao Wilderness Area. Our licensed, experienced guides do the work; you do the hunting. The guides provide transportation to and from stands, using ATV's. "Come as strangers, leave as friends!"Reviews
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